
Xstream Synthetic Urine Review – Will Xstream Fetish Urine Pass LabCorp Test?

In this full XStream synthetic urine review, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about using it to try and pass a drug test. Exactly how good is XStream, and is it more than the fetish urine it’s advertised as?

I’ll be comparing it to the two best fake urine brands on the market: Quick Luck & Sub Solutio, as well as discussing Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit as an alternative option.  Also, I’ll cover how drug tests work, and what they look for. I’ll give you full instructions to use XStream for a drug test, and how realistic your chances of passing are if you do.

Banner Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater

Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)

  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • All YOU NEED TO PASS A TEST IN ONE PACK: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable

What Is XStream & What Is A Fetish Urine?

XStream is a generic urine that is marketed by a company called “XStream Novelty World Media”.

I absolutely no idea what media has to do anything, and the company appears to only actually sell one product wholesale, and that’s XStream fetish urine.

It’s billed as fetish urine because it’s primarily designed for those purposes. It’s designed for people who want to use urine, but not get messy with the real stuff. For those seeking a more realistic experience, Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit are also available in the market.

But, the side hustle, which is heavily implied that they don’t explicitly state because it’s illegal, is that it can also be used to pass a drug test. You’ll read a lot of rubbish about XStream though. Big claims about how it’s “laboratory-crafted urine” and that it’s so close to the real thing that it’s used to calibrate digital testing equipment.

Both of those claims you’ll read often are complete rubbish. This is a very basic urine product that contains very few ingredients and isn’t crafted or complex in any way.

Fake Urine Has To Pass These Drug Test Steps

To see what urine needs to do to pass a drug test, let’s look at the steps the sample goes through:

  1. Within two minutes of doing your sample, it has to have its temperature recorded. There will be a temperature strip on the side of the cup you are given. It has to read between 90°F and 100°F be a valid sample. If it’s outside this range then it’s automatically failed.
  2. If the temperature is valid then it goes through some validity checks. This is a dipstick test on the sample which is tested against panels to look for:
    •    Signs of adulteration
    •    Nitrates
    •    Biocide preservatives
    •    Correct pH and specific gravity range
    •    Presence of the correct proportion of creatinine
    •    Potentially it looks for urea and uric acid as well
    If these checks are carried out by a human, then they may also hold it up to the light to see if it looks like urine, and some even sniff it (although this is rare it is confirmed). If it’s a digital, automated, eCup system test then it won’t be visually scrutinized. For those seeking to pass a drug test, some turn to Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit, which claim to mimic real urine’s appearance and composition.
  1. The sample will then have an immunoassay conducted on it. This is a panel drug test, ranging from four panels through to 14 (usually five panels/substances). Obviously, if it’s a fake sample and it gets to this stage, then it’s not going to test positive for drugs.
  2. If the sample fails immunoassay or the validity checks, then it will be sent straight for a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis. This is a highly invasive analysis of the sample and no fake urine can fool it.

Couldn’t I Just Make Fake Urine Or Use My Own Instead?

You certainly could make your own fake urine. But you couldn’t make it much more complex than XStream without some pretty good equipment and a lot of diverse chemicals.

There will be a lot of moving parts, and a lot could go wrong. It would also cost you a lot of money to get all the ingredients and somewhere sterile to make it.
In terms of using your own urine rather than XStream or another fake urine brand, it’s really a poor choice.

Human urine spoils quickly. Plus, you still have to submit it within the correct temperature range. On top of that, you have to trust the person giving you the urine is actually clean. That’s all far riskier than it needs to be by simply submitting a good-quality fake sample.

Xstream Drug Test Instructions

Let’s say that you have got yourself a box of XStream drug test urine and you going to use it try and pass a drug test. These are the steps you need to follow.

  1. Put the premixed sample bottle into the microwave and microwave it on full power for about 10 seconds. Take it out and shake it gently, and watch the temperature strip for 30 seconds. If there is no reading, repeat the process. You are looking to get a reading on the temperature strip as close to 100°F as possible, but without going over that otherwise the reading will vanish and you may overheat it further. For those using a Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit as an alternative, ensure you follow the kit’s specific instructions for mixing and heating to achieve the most realistic results.
  2. Gently unpack and shake the heatpad to activate it. As it warms, strap it securely to the side of the bottle using tape. Always tape it to the side of the bottle opposite the temperature strip, not on the same side, otherwise, you will get an artificial temperature.
  3. Then, tuck the sample securely into your underwear in your crotch area. Because it’s going to be an unsupervised test (you can’t use fake urine for a supervised/observed test), then you won’t be observed, and they can’t intimately search you unless it’s a supervised test either.
  4. Put on loose clothing, and prepare a flask of hot (not boiling) water. Then head off to the test center.
  5. Just before you go in, you’re going to check the temperature of your XStream fake urine sample again. If it has cooled, you will use the hot water in a flask to raise the temperature. Do not take the flask in with you, leave it outside somewhere.
Banner Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater

Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)

  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • All YOU NEED TO PASS A TEST IN ONE PACK: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable

Will Xstream Synthetic Urine Pass A LabCorp Test?

When people ask if this type of urine will pass a LabCorp test, they are really asking will pass modern drug testing generally.

So, XStream synthetic urine LabCorp’s success will apply to any drug testing company scrutinizing your sample.

XStream is a basic formula. Sure, it contains the basics that are looked for during validity testing unless it’s advanced. So, it might get you through.
It looks like urine. It doesn’t froth and smell like it though. That’s fine unless it comes up against a particularly rigorous lab technician. Obviously, if it’s the digitalized eCup system then this won’t matter.

Generally, then, XStream will pass a basic pre-employment level drug test. But only if you get lucky, and you certainly will struggle with more intense scrutiny.

Plus, it uses a heatpad. A lot of feedback online from sites like Reddit suggests that it’s not a good-quality heatpad either. It can kick out a variable heat and can go cold very quickly. For those seeking a more reliable alternative, a Urine Simulation Kit can provide a more consistent and authentic solution for drug test scenarios.

Therefore, the conclusion of my XStream synthetic urine review is that you can use it, but it should be a last resort if you can’t get better quality fake urine in time.

Brands Of Synthetic Urine That Should Only Be Used In An Emergency

XStream is one of the best of a bad bunch. These are the brands I would generally tell you to stay away from:

Quick Fix and Monkey Whizz aren’t bad either. They will pass a basic test. But again, they are basic in the formula, only sort of look like urine, and they all have the failing of using a heatpad which makes it tough to keep the sample within the correct range (between 90°F and 100°F).

Best Synthetic Urine Options: Sub Solution & Quick Luck

If you’re looking to pass a drug test with synthetic urine, then there are two far better options than Xstream. Both are made by Clear Choice, the Premier drug test avoidance product company. Additionally, some individuals opt for Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit by TestClear, which offer a different approach to creating synthetic samples.

The first is Sub Solution. It’s been around for 20 years and has a fantastic track record. It’s complex, containing a total of 14 chemicals found in human urine. On top of that, it looks, froths, and even smells like urine.

But what makes it even more exceptional is the fact that it doesn’t rely on a heatpad like Xstream. It uses heat activator powder. Just before you go into the building to submit your sample, simply tap in about one-third of the heat activator powder. Shake the sample until it clears, and watch the temperature strip.

If it doesn’t get a reading, add a little more until it does. So using the heat activator powder, you can get close control over the sample temperature right up until the moment you submit it.

The big brother of Sub Solution is Quick Luck. Just as complex, it has one advantage over Sub Solution though. It is a powder. You need to mix it with filtered water to use it. Quick Luck, like Xstream, is premixed. So it’s perfect for on-the-spot drug testing. Simply tap in the heat activator powder, shake it gently, get a reading on the temperature strip, and it’s good to go.

Both of these are highly complex formulas and will pass any level of scrutiny below the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis. They are far more expensive though, with Sub Solution costing $85, and Quick Luck $100. But you get what you pay for, and both are available direct from Clear Choice with fast delivery in the USA.